Search for siyanda mohutsiwa - 8 results found

What if Christianity is African?

Is Christianity African? This question came to my attention while encountering a recent article on The Africa Report that drove me into a rage. Truthfully, it was not the report so much as one sentence that riled me up, which was: “Following the US’s endorsement of same-sex marriage in June this year, many Ghanaians have expressed resentment …

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Miniskirt attack: This is not a Kenyan issue, this is an African issue

It is a funny thing, the African’s relationship with his Africanness. Like the Christian discusses ‘the flesh’ when falling into the temptation to commit sins, the African brings up the question of Africanness when defending his anti-social behaviour. When a group of men in Kenya put it into their minds to undress and assault a …

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Respect our language: A minister isn’t really going to defend President Zuma with her buttocks

Today, the South African media proudly told the world that a woman – a cabinet minister, at that – was so devoted to President Jacob Zuma that she would defend him with her buttocks. I will give you a moment to reread that sentence, because if you are a learned speaker of any language it …

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